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Lepszy miecz i lepsza tarcza

Wszędzie tam, gdzie mamy do czynienia z grą o sumie zerowej (czyli sytuacją gdzie jeden korzysta wyłącznie kosztem drugiego), mamy do czynienia z wyścigiem pomiędzy siłą metaforycznego miecza i tarczy....

How to write: A friend's vision

When you write, you are often alone. You pass your thoughts to a humanless computer. His lack of personality accepts everything without a word of critique. Even things you wouldn’t...

Immersion - The golden Graal of learning

What are your goals? Most people have some goals or bucket lists, either on paper or in their heads. A common positions there are things like getting a promotion, becoming...

Learn to like

As a high-school student, biology and chemistry were my nightmares. Since they were not essential on our specialization, but program required them covered, school management decided to compress chemistry in...

Immersion - The golden Graal of learning

One of the most important element of learning is immersion. We will define immersion as an increased exposure to a discipline you learn. It is best if it requires you...

Stoic philosophy tl;dr

Our rational nature moves freely forward in its impressions when it: 1) accepts nothing false or uncertain; 2) directs its impulses only to acts for the common good; 3) limits...

Learn to concentrate better

Let’s be honest. Suppose you need to study a topic. You got a book with everything you need to know. You start reading it and… how long will you be...

Learning debt

TL;DR: Here I propose a new way of thinking about learning: acquiring useful skills and knowledge should be part of our lives. When we stay behind, we should treat it...

Focused and diffused mode

Imagine effective learning for an important exam. A typical picture is a person focusing in front of a computer or a book, making notes, looking for answers. But would you...

RCSBProteinDataBank YouTube channel

Protein Data Bank (PDB) is a database for the three-dimensional structural data of large biological molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids. RCSB PDB is a very important one. It...

How to write: The critic hat

Whenever I write an article, I am trying to remember to take a few hats. When I finish each fragment, I put on the first one: The critic hat. So...

Learn by teaching

One of the most effective ways to learn is teaching, or at least to prepare for teaching. There are a few reasons why.

Deep Work - working effectively on demanding tasks

People often think that if they disturb us for “just” 5 minutes, we will be able to get back to our work without noticing it. Well, this is not how...

Achilles and a turtle - about infinite sequences

In the fifth century BC, a famous philosopher, Zeno of Elea, was trying hard to prove that movement is just an illusion. Instead, he contributed to the development of infinite...

What have I learned about crime from Chicago data?

Since 2001, Chicago city collects a record of all the crimes registered by their police. For the last few years, they share those data on Chicago Data Portal. This is...