Learn to like

Learn to like

As a high-school student, biology and chemistry were my nightmares. Since they were not essential on our specialization, but program required them covered, school management decided to compress chemistry in the first year, and biology in the second, so during the third year we can fully concentrate on mathemathics and physics. After the first year struggling with chemistry, I decided I do not want to repeat it with biology. Thinking about what I can do, I had a great idea: to learn to like it. I started looking for arguments, why what biology is fascinating and useful, in everything we were learning, I looked for practical applications or interesting aspects. I haven’t become the best student overnight, but out of the sudden, from one of the worst, I become quite a good one. This is when I discovered, how powerful is your attitude to what you are learning. This is also when I discovered, that you can work on this attitude, and this is a powerful tool for learning nearly anything.

So let’s explore, what is the healthy attitude, and what is even more important, how can we shape it.

Growth mindset

Shaping your attitude

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Marcin The author of the Effective Kotlin and Android Development in Kotlin books, founder of the Kt. Academy and Learning-Driven, programming trainer, speaker at international conferences, experienced developer.
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